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Best Bookmarking Tools

Best Bookmarking Tools

I guess you guys like to surf around the internet. And nowadays there a lot of things to check, to read or just something interesting that you want to save and check later. And I know that it happened to you that you saved and forget it or can't find it. Another problem that I'm facing a lot is that most bookmarking systems on browsers become messy and cluttered very quickly. This is where bookmarking tools shine.

Career in Web Design

Career in Web Design

Careers are changing faster than ever before. Old model of “finish high school, get college degree and find a job for the next 20 years” doesn’t work anymore. Millennials change jobs every 2 years on average, they need to stand out from the crowd by showing initiative, taking creative approach to job hunting and such.

Weekly Dribbble Inspiration #6

Weekly Dribbble Inspiration #6

You know what? Special pack of Mockuuups is available at awesome prototyping tool - Framer. Here are a few perfect examples how to present your interactive prototypes. Enjoy!

10 Free Design Ebooks to Increase Your Skills

10 Free Design Ebooks to Increase Your Skills

While many may still prefer to read paper books, e-books are gaining popularity as a worthy digital alternative. You can put any book or PDF in your tablet or smartphone and take it with you wherever you go. There are benefits to choosing electronic books as an alternative to the more bulky traditional reading options, like saving space while travelling, faster and more efficient search options, less page-flipping and more.